Thursday, April 17, 2008

9 step lesson plan

1. Lesson Plan Title

· The Embargo Act Of 1807

2. Concept/Topic To Teach

· What is Embargo?

· Why the embargo act was enacted.

· What the outcome of the embargo act was.

· What were the pros and cons of the embargo?

· What foreign policies did the young nation have?

3. Essential Question of Lesson

· Did the choice of enacting an embargo assist the young nation with the challenges it faced? How did this relate to the other challenges the nation was facing at the time?

4. Connection

· Quick-Write: Has anyone else ever made a choice that affected your life in a negative way? How?

5. Direct Teaching

Read: Philadelphia Inquirer “Problem Solved”

· Discuss with table group. Do you think the embargo will solve America's issue of attacked ships?

· Share answers.

Read: Philadelphia Inquirer “Dambargo leaves 55,000 jobless”

· Discuss with table group. What is another way they could have solved the problem?

· Share answer

· Share conclusion of the event. -Ending the embargo. Choosing war or isolation.

6. Step-By Step Explanation

· Tables Divided into 3 countries (United States, Britain, France)

· Each table starts with materials hot wheels, action figures, shiny rocks, etc.

· Each table is required to trade with other tables (countries)

· The United States table stops trade first the French table and 2nd the British table

· Ask why do you think people would outraged by the embargo act of 1807?

7. Student-Centered Activity

· Countries and Trading embargo.

8. Assessment

· Ask questions regarding the information just learned.

· Check students' comprehension on

· Trade Embargo

· Isolationism

· Neutrality

9. Closure

· Which country did the embargo act effect the most?

· What was the main cause behind the embargo?

· What year did the embargo act happen?

· What is a trade embargo?

· What does it mean to stay neutral/ be under a state of neutrality?

· What is isolationism?

· What year did the embargo act end in?
April 17, 2008 12:55 PM

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